Notes form the discussion.
Attendees: Delroy, Anton
Disconnect from measuring value with money. Measure value with love. Ownerships prevents you from contributing at a large scale, sharing and growing while teaching.
Knowledge without action is damaging. Develop a group of practitioners. Develop the tools and systems to apply knowledge. Find and use the mechanics of transforming knowledge into action, habit, skill.
6pm is a better time for meetings.
Terry to talk to Lidia.
Next time – prioritize practical application of energy.
Which topic/department to start with first? Maybe Delroy’s friend would give us a direction.
Mission: convert knowledge in energy into skills and experience.
Delroy’s list of books:
- The magic of thinking big
- See you at the top
- Ask and it is given
- The Secret Psycho cybernetics
- The law of success in 16 lessons
- Think and grow rich
- The magic of believing
- How to win friends and influence people
- The go getter
- The power of positive thinking
- The game of work
- Rich dad poor dad
- And one with practical applications: A course in miracles published by the foundation of inner peace. It might be this:
We need to teach a process and give immediate experience.
Every lesson, every page, every blog is posted on YouTube, Facebook, instagram, LinkedIn, and any other platform you can think of.
- Order of meetings
- Setting the mastermind, rules
- Members – who to attract
- Practical skills sessions – order of meetings, preparation work, practice on your own.
Anton’s exposure to practical energy/mental and success practices:
- The Jose Silva’s meditation and mind control system, further enhanced by hid daughter Laura Silva:
- Kevin Trudeau’s program “Your Wish is Your Command”
- Hal Elrod’s “Miracle Morning Program”
- Anthony Robbins: The Power Within, Personal Power II
- Dawn Clark’s “Stargate Solution”
- Darren Hardy’s “Living Your Best Year Ever” and “Insane Productivity”
- Gregg Braden’s “Wired to Thrive” program
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