Attendees: Delroy, Jean-Pascal, Anton
Delroy’s vision: teach his grand-children how to create life without struggle.
Who you are today? As a first step to connecting with your future self.
Jean-Pascal: Energy cleansing – clean and liberate yourself from energy stored in your genes from up to 8 generations before.
“The Rise of Superman” – success through flow.
Power versus Force by David Hawkins to detect your energy level and detecting alignment.
Abram Ester Hicks – 21 practices “Ask and it is given”
Jean-Pascal: to watch on youtube Jim Kwik, Impact theory
Delroy sees as the most direct step towards higher energy level care, compassion, gratitude, appreciation and love to yourself first and foremost.
Start with yourself. Morning and evening routine to feel well about yourself.
Demonstrate your love to your kids so they pick the energy.
Operating zone vs. Comfort zone.
Extend your operating zone – heart connection heart vibration.
Commitment to improving your inner self: once a day you practice; loving yourself into a better version of yourself.
Why to love myself? To be able ot truly love everybody else.
Why to improve myself? To be bale to elevate humanity.
It takes 8,366 people to pray for Earth and humanity to eradicate all evil. why aren’t we 80,000 already? What is stopping us from eradicating famine, war, pain and suffer and making love, peace, joy and human potential limitless and everlasting? We are LIMITLESS. Let’s live up to it.
To commit to and be accountable for:
- Delroy: 30 min meditation and reflection on who I am and where I am going; to add: more physical activity and flexibility at least 230 minutes of stretching – The 7 minutes of Dr. Oz stretching routine: Be accountable:
- Jean-Pascal: refocus on the morning routine: gratitude; visualization; be in the moment- mind stillness; stretching; focus on My Five
- Anton: Silva in combination with the Coherent heart; stretching; rekindle the Miracle Morning (Hal Elrod)
Delroy to bring in the tool/system he offers to others to improve internal energy.
Anton to deliver more on the Coherent Heart Technique.
Delroy: Be at this energetic level that when you walk into a room, people feel better because of your presence.
Minimalist journalling:
HOW TO PUT THE MASTER MIND TO PRACTICAL USE, HOW TO PRACTICE AS A MASTERMIND ? how to use the power of the collective mind to achieve exponential results at personal level.
Selective hearing has definitely taken a toll on this record. Please feel free to add, comment, correct, enhance the content of these notes the way you see fit.
Disconnecting from ownership and focusing on value delivery to the next generation and to humanity, value delivery at the largest scale possible, makes this endeavour way bigger than ourselves, makes it bigger than everything we have ever done, dreamt of, dared to think of and imagine of.
Homework is to practice whatever we committed to and to think on: What is the shortest practical way to higher energy and mastering mental capacity and energy? What is the core ritual, the core belief, the core activity?What is the easiest way to implement it? What is the best way to teach it?
Challenges I have had since the 14th of March.
I have done Silva daily with two-three exceptions. I haven’t been successful with systematically integrating Silva meditation and the Coherent heart technique. On two occasions, while in a meditation, I had felt all-embracing love towards myself and who I am. For a while, there was nothing in my heart and my brain but love and the physical feeling of my body expanding in all directions, growing and filling up the room. The experience triggered association with something Gregg Braden talks about: the DNA expands and relaxes when bombarded with love and shrinks and spirals more into itself when irradiated with negative emotions.
Major challenges while doing Silva – the drunken monkey mind jumping from branch to branch with no direction and purpose; falling asleep; mixing meditation and the Coherent heart together. Focus and stillness of the mind while meditating is to be improved, but isn’t the purpose of meditation to learn mind stillness and compassion, care, gratefulness and appreciation? So, just keep doing it.
I am far from renewing my Miracle Morning routine and from being physically active yet.
On the question what to teach to our children, I feel I must start with belief. Belief in the unlimited potential we all are born with. Belief in the God’s miracle we all cary in our DNA. Belief in our ability to be one with God. Belief in our ability to outgrow and outreach our most daring dreams. Belief in the personal and collective potential to do miracles. From my conversations with my kids and with clients, I come to think, we all get stuck on the lack of belief first and foremost. Lack of belief is the number one cause of people not even trying. Lack of belief in what is possible in general and what you are capable of personally is where we all get chained down and imprisoned.
I know we are born free, we are born with no limits and once we learn language and begin our social existence, disbelief roots in. Disbelief is raised, it is grown over time. Parenting has a big role in raising disbelief. Internal dialogue has its role too: comparing to others, trying to define your identity, accepting labels as elements of your identity and then repeating these labels time and time again for years, like “I am not good in math”…to be continued.
“I am too skinny”, “I am fat”, “I am not well accepted by others”… Labels that we stick with. Labels we drain our energy on preserving and staying true to. Identity is an energy drainer. Negative identity, an identity defined by charged with negative emotions labels, is even more energy draining. Maybe a reasonable progress towards energy liberation would be replacing negative identity labels with positive statements and then freeing yourself of any labels at all, stripping away any thought related to self and “me”, stripping yourself from the weight of an identity.
Back to belief, things one must avoid doing:
– compare to others, look into the mirror of others opinions
– repeat negative identity labels
– preserving focus on “me”, “myself” and “I”
Things one must focus on and do to build belief:
– accept there is a divine purpose in our existence
– accept there is divine seed planted in each one of us
– language is the conductor of identity, so quiet the mind, practice mind stillness
– observe your language and vocabulary; how do you talk to yourself, what do you say; detect negative identity labels and negative beliefs; change them with positive ones. Repetition of new labels and beliefs, affirmations, prayer, rituals scheduled in peak energy time slots of the day: first thing after waking up, before meals, before going to sleep. To be continued…