Meeting attendees: Delroy Peart, Jean-Pascal Martin, Anton Ivanov
Intent: define the type of material (teachings and techniques) that we want to create in order to attract the 100,000 students that we want to influence in the next 5 years.
What is the message? Form and content.
Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton
Convert the thinking into a procedure.
Collect the exercises of others and bring them into a practice.
EFT emotional freedom technique, tapping
Calahan technique
Muscle testing technique
Swing body technique
You can achieve without the struggle.
Where does purpose come from? “The purpose driven life” book
What would it take to live as a deliberate creator? Understand yourself, know who you are. What is the thing that tells you there is more?
Change the environment so your energy changes.
Create cells that get together, create the right energy environment on the outside and then on the inside. Feel good energy cells, clubs.
Evolution through conversation.
work on our meeting physical and internal environment.
Exercise for the next time: come prepared to talk about who and what you think you are.
Anton: I am a ball of energy organized by consciousness.
- I want more energy;
- Thoughts drain energy; moreover, thoughts cycle in redundant repetition;
- Food affects energy;
- Physical activity affects energy;
- Sticking to an identity, staying true to personality labels drains energy; stripping yourself of identity liberates energy;
- Music generates vibrations; energy is vibration; good music stimulates energy;
- Maintaining a 15-minute energy diary/log will increase energy awareness and might confirm most of the assumptions here;
- Feeling good all the time by replacing thoughts with the coherent heart technique, play, music, exercise, would increase energy;
- Maintaining alpha brain state will increase energy;
- Measuring the energy impact of every thought, act, emotion, habit, will increase energy;
- Making all decisions based on energy impact will increase energy;
- Practicing gratitude, love, care and appreciation will increase energy;
- Beliefs and giving meaning to things drain energy;
- Meditation to stop thinking and quiet the mind increases energy;
- It is possible to maintain alpha mind state for most of the day;
- Giving, contribution generates positive emotions, therefore generates energy;
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